1. Aluminum Wire

Aluminum Wire is a highly-customizable and extensible static file server that also includes support for dynamic files (using both Node.js and PHP).


Dynamic file support is not yet available

1.1. Configuration

The configuration file for Aluminum Wire is read from /usr/prefs/wire.json. The supported configuration options are described below.

Object Properties:
  • protocol (String) –

    The protocol for Wire to use, either http or https


    protocol is not yet implemented.

  • indexRedirect (Boolean) – Whether to respond to requests for a directory by serving the index.html file in that directory (if it exists; otherwise, a 404 response code will be served)
  • errorPages (wireErrPgs) – Configuration options for the error pages served by Wire
Object Properties:
  • notFound (errPageConf) – Describes the page that Wire should serve if a resource cannot be found
  • serverError (errPageConf) – Describes the page that Wire should serve in the event of an internal server error
Object Properties:
  • URI (String) – The URI of the file to serve, given relative to /src/wire/main.js
  • encoding (String) – The encoding of the file to serve. If the MIME type that corresponds to URI is not text, this property will be ignored.

1.2. Serving Files

Wire serves files from /usr/resources/wire/serve/.

1.2.1. Client Cache Support

When Wire serves a static file, it retrieves the date that the file was last modified and sends this information in the Last-Modified HTTP header.

Wire automatically reads the If-Modified-Since HTTP header from the request when serving static files. If the requested resource exists and has not been modified since the time indicated by If-Modified-Since, a 304 Not Modified response code is served, indicating that the cached version of the file is up-to-date. Otherwise (or if the request does not contain an If-Modified-Since header), the resource is served.

1.2.2. Error Handling

The following table shows the types of errors that Wire will handle when serving files:

Problematic Function Error Code HTTP Response Code Response Body
fs.readFile Any 404 The file at wireConfig.errorPages.notFound.URI
fs.stat Any 500 The file at wireConfig.errorPages.serverError.URI


Errors with reading the Wire configuration file (e.g., the file cannot be accessed at /usr/prefs/wire.json, a required configuration option is missing) or error pages (e.g., the error page cannot be accessed) will raise an exception and cause Wire to crash. Error Page Variables

In error pages with MIME type text, information about the server and error may be included in the response sent. Variables may be inserted anywhere within the file and are surrounded by the dollar ($) symbol.


If two variables need to be inserted in an error page back-to-back, then each variable should have its own set of $ symbols.


Variables are case-sensitive.

The possible variables that may be used within an error page are described below. Each variable may be used zero, one, or multiple times.

Variable Description
$requrl$ The request URL
$adjrequrl$ The request URL with “index.html” appended, if wireConfig.indexRedirect is set to true. Otherwise, this is the same as $requrl$. This variable will only function in the event of an fs.readFile error.
$osplatform$ The operating system platform of the server. See os.platform().
$ostype$ The operating system type of the server. See os.type().
$osversion$ The operating system release of the server. See os.release().
$port$ The port on which the Wire server is listening.
$errcode$ The code of the error. See error.code.
$errno$ The number of the error. See error.errno.
$errmessage$ The error message. Note that this may contain information such as the absolute path to a resource on a server. See error.message.